Phase 2 Is LIVE!

Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence lately, my computer has given up on me again but I should have access to a laptop from tomorrow.

Until then, phase 2 has gone live and new prizes, and purchases have been made available. I’ll have an in depth look at it all tomorrow. Talk soon guys!

The Update Is LIVE Now!


The update has been released on both the iOS and Android stores. I’m not too sure about Kindle but they usually end up waiting a little bit longer than others. The event kicks off automatically upon login with a conversation between Cecil, Lisa and Homer.

The first task is for Cecil to make amends. It will take 4 hours, Cecil is awarded for free to every player. More info coming guys, stay tuned!

Mr. Teeny Now An NPC!

As part of yesterdays level 51 update EA have decided to make Mr. Teeny an NPC. An NPC, for those of you who don’t know, is a non-playable character – kind of like the Bunny that gave out tasks during Easter. As such, Krusty’s 12 hour ‘Walk Mr. Teeny’ task has been removed and anyone who had set him on that task prior to the update will find Krusty wandering aimlessly the next time you log in, If you’re having trouble finding Mr. Teeny fear not, he is there EA just made him smaller, making him harder to spot!

Level 51 Is Here!

EA have given us a new new level, with 2 highly sought after characters!

Level 51 has brought with it 2 characters, Marvin Monroe and Frank Grimes as well as the Monroe Family Treatment Centre, Dr. Monroe’s headstone and Frank Grimes’ tombstone.

Now, I can’t give you any more info then that right now as its almost midnight here and I need to go to bed! I will however have everything you need tomorrow! Have a good night guys!

The Homer Buddha Is Gone…

You may or may not have noticed that over the past few days the Homer Buddha is no longer in the store. That is, it’s gone for now. It was removed in the update that added the new mystery box, most likely due to the odds of winning good prizes in the new mystery box inevitably meant that sales of the Homer Buddha would basically stop so they removed it.

It will return, along with the old mystery box on May 1st.